Earl’s Place Gallery started organically in Fall 2013 as a one semester project between Goucher College students and the residents of Earl’s Place. However, by the end of the semester, the students and the residents had created some powerful connections, and neither group wanted to end this new partnership.  So, in Spring 2014, we returned, working on group art and writing projects together. 

The first project was a series of self-portraits.  Since that time, we’ve created Personal Shrines, masks, collages, mosaics, drawings, paintings, puppets and short essays- working together to discover which kinds of art or writing sparks inspiration.

We are delighted to announce that the Maryland State Arts Council awarded a Creativity Grant to Earl’s Place Arts (EPA) founder Phaye Poliakoff-Chen.  The award is for the design and installation of a mosaic mural on the outside of Earl’s Place.  The residents started working on their designs in February 2023.  They are currently crafting their mosaics, so that we can incorporate their work into the final piece in spring 2025.